depressed I am.........somedays I want to just throw the towel in. Especially today. I know the love of my life is just loving me. But it is just hurting me. I feel so bad right now. It is very hard for me to think of myself as mentally ill. but maybe if i do. I will feel better.
scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 8:09 PM1 comments
well it's that time again. but earlier....My whole family is gonna have a freak out. But life or death.....having major flashbacks. I am not sure who is gonna freak out more inside or me.......I know the mom will totally freak. But I am my own person. Hubby....well he is the greatest. It will be hard for him...but he has done it before. I hope he is okay with it. Well enough now kiddos need me............................................................ME
scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 6:03 PM1 comments
depression sux
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Not posting as much can tell depression is really bad. I feel terrible. no one seems to understand the severity of it. I keep trying to tell people but i guess if u tell them too much no one believes you anymore. however this time I am afraid i am really gonna snap and do something crazy. I atleast understand y some of this is going on. My daughter turning a certain age soon. Does not seem possible. But is very triggering to parts inside.
scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 9:28 AM1 comments
rotten fridays
Friday, January 04, 2008 is a rotten day...i m so moody and miserable. i am tired, sad angry. How can one be all these i feel the anger the most ...i think i need to go box see if that works better. Writing is not working. I still feel really irritated. bbs
scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 10:28 AM0 comments
A fun place to be! Where there are many, some big some small but all with distinct personalities!