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depression sux

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not posting as much can tell depression is really bad. I feel terrible. no one seems to understand the severity of it. I keep trying to tell people but i guess if u tell them too much no one believes you anymore. however this time I am afraid i am really gonna snap and do something crazy. I atleast understand y some of this is going on. My daughter turning a certain age soon. Does not seem possible. But is very triggering to parts inside.
Gatekeepers4@ 9:28 AM  


  • At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm really sorry that you're feeling so depressed. However, you gotta try me. If you talk to my and try explaining it, then I'll try to understand. and I've been there before, so I think I can do a pretty good job. I believe you.
    I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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