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Monday, January 21, 2008

depression........how depressed I am.........somedays I want to just throw the towel in. Especially today. I know the love of my life is just loving me. But it is just hurting me. I feel so bad right now.
It is very hard for me to think of myself as mentally ill. but maybe if i do. I will feel better.
Gatekeepers4@ 8:09 PM  


  • At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry I didn't comment in so long, but I hope I made up for it with all my comments!!!!!!!!!
    Jen, I love ya. I know you're having a really hard and time and that really hurts me. I want you to be happy. I know you put so much work and effort into your treatment and want to be feeling better already. I don't think you have to label yourself. Maybe, just give yourself a break. Notice that you're going through a hard time, which happens to everyone, just some worse than others. Try to give yourself some leeway. Don't give up!! You'll make it through this!!!!!!!!
    I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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