I have not posted in a month...dang thats a long time but things have been crazy..getting ready for the holidays...That are now over...Thank GOD. I have a funny little story I am eating lunch the other day and I hate mac and cheese and in the middle of lunch I find this on my plate...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..I thought I was going to throw up it is so gross...but I guess someone likes it...Hehehehehehehehe...well life is a bit easier today cuz of GAme cube...best thing we bought..keeps the kids busty and I can get some computer time in..I am still in my jammies and its 11am....lol maybe I'll stay in them all day!!!!!!!!!!! scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 10:54 AM 1 comments
A fun place to be! Where there are many, some big some small but all with distinct personalities!
Concrete Angel
Mosaic Minds
Elisabetas Fortress
Prevent Child Abuse
Good Charlotte Rocks
mirsrecovery blog
Music Codes Central
About Us: There are lots of us It gets very crazy in our castle ...There is never a dull moment!
Intresting Things: We like to buy Shoes and purses but hubby doesn't like it ..heheheh
Mood: changes moment to moment
Favourite Colour : Purple...I like yellow..no i like blue..no wait pink..NO wait BLACK
Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!