Satanic Holidays
It's good to know when a holiday is coming up because you will be prepared for more calls. Just asking a caller if they are aware of the holiday can be very helpful; even survivors with many years of healing often "dissociate" (e.g. forget) holidays.
The ceremonies usually take place the eve of the holiday and sometimes last for three days or a week. When holidays cluster together, as they do in the spring and late December, survivor reactions are especially strong.
Different cults observe different holidays or stress one more than another, depending on their traditions. Here is a list of the most common ones.
Ancient pagan holidays based on the sun. (These are also celebrated by modern pagans in loving and non-abusive ways.) There is one holiday every 6 1/2 weeks.
- February 2. Candlemas. (lives on as Ground-hog day!)
- March 21 or 22. Spring Equinox
- May 1. Beltane. (lives on as May Day)
- June 21 or 22. Summer Solstice
- August 2. Lammas
- September 21 or 22. Fall Equinox
- October 31. Samhain (lives on as Halloween)
- December 21 or 22. Winter Solstice
- The full moon is often observed, and sometimes the new moon as well.
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