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M this is for you

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


not related to or suitable for everyday needs or activities


dys·func·tional –noun
1.Medicine/Medical. malfunctioning, as of an organ or structure of the body.
2.any malfunctioning part or element: the dysfunctions of the country's economy.
3.Sociology. a consequence of a social practice or behavior pattern that undermines the stability of a social system.


l –adjective
1.of or pertaining to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration.
2.capable of operating or functioning: When will the ventilating system be functional again?
3.having or serving a utilitarian purpose; capable of serving the purpose for which it was designed: functional architecture; a chair that is functional as well as decorative.
4.Also, func·tion·al·is·tic. (of a building or furnishing) constructed or made according to the principles of functionalism or primarily as a direct fulfillment of a material need.
5.Medicine/Medical. without a known organic cause or structural change: a functional disorder. Compare organic (def. 5).
6.pertaining to an algebraic operation: a functional symbol.
7.Linguistics. (of linguistic analysis, language teaching, etc.) concerned with the communicative role of language rather than, in addition to, or as the framework for its formal structure.
8.Mathematics. a function that has a domain whose elements are functions, sets, or the like, and that assumes numerical values.

Gatekeepers4@ 3:54 PM  


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