UNFUNCTIONALadjectivenot related to or suitable for everyday needs or activitiesDYSFUNCTIONALdys·func·tional /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronu –noun 1.Medicine/Medical. malfunctioning, as of an organ or structure of the body. 2.any malfunctioning part or element: the dysfunctions of the country's economy. 3.Sociology. a consequence of a social practice or behavior pattern that undermines the stability of a social system.FUNCTIONALfunc·tion·al /ˈfʌŋkʃənl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pron–adjective 1.of or pertaining to a function or functions: functional difficulties in the administration. 2.capable of operating or functioning: When will the ventilating system be functional again? 3.having or serving a utilitarian purpose; capable of serving the purpose for which it was designed: functional architecture; a chair that is functional as well as decorative. 4.Also, func·tion·al·is·tic. (of a building or furnishing) constructed or made according to the principles of functionalism or primarily as a direct fulfillment of a material need. 5.Medicine/Medical. without a known organic cause or structural change: a functional disorder. Compare organic (def. 5). 6.pertaining to an algebraic operation: a functional symbol. 7.Linguistics. (of linguistic analysis, language teaching, etc.) concerned with the communicative role of language rather than, in addition to, or as the framework for its formal structure. –noun 8.Mathematics. a function that has a domain whose elements are functions, sets, or the like, and that assumes numerical values. scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 3:54 PM
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