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Diet coke Lovers and headache free ( yeah me)

Friday, October 19, 2007

I'm a soda-holic. I don't think I can go a day without having a few sodas. Not just one, but at least 2 - at least! Caffeine-free diet coke is the answer to us soda-holics dreams. See, we don't want the calories and sugar in regular coke. But we go even further and get rid of the caffeine. To those of you out there who don't understand our need, you might say, "well why not just have water?" I have heard that so many times. It's an addiction people. I need to feel that raspy taste going smoothly down my throat, or those bubbles tickling my nose just ever so slightly. Caffeine-free diet coke actually tastes more like regular Coke than does Diet Coke and I find that it tastes better than Diet Coke. If you have to have sodas like me, then this is the way to go.

I found this online it is totally me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gatekeepers4@ 11:49 AM  


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