This blog and my journals are going to make a book one day. I don't know when or wherer or how but I know that I am going to write a book. I am always writing in different forms. I love poetry and I love to write free form. So hopefully one day my life will impact someone else. I have been through a lot as far as I know. There are tons of parts inside my head. I am always surprised when I meet a new part and I hear what they have to say.I also have a lot of support from being in the hospital. Nicole and I have been friends for 2 years now and we talk regularly. Wanda and I have been friends since 04' we talk once in a while. I have a very good friend who is getting married in December and I am her matron of Honor. I still have to get a dress, work on the bridal shower . I have so much to do. I also have a great friend who I met when Jake was born. We have been through so much together but still are very close. And last but not least there is mir my one and only friend that I talk to everyday...She lives so far away I miss her. Oh yeah there alsois Dawn who I will never forget she will always be in my heart so...Dawn again I say I miss you and I have been thinking about you. I hope all is well!!!!!!!!!! scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 1:03 PM
At 12:05 PM, Anonymous said…
jen,i'm glad that you have so much support. lack of support has always been one of my struggles. but u seem to have so many ppl that care. that's great. never forget how many people are out there caring about you. thanx for being there for me and i'm here for u!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss ya tonz, mir
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About Us: There are lots of us It gets very crazy in our castle ...There is never a dull moment!
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Favourite Colour : Purple...I like i like wait pink..NO wait BLACK
Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!
At 12:05 PM, Anonymous said…
i'm glad that you have so much support. lack of support has always been one of my struggles. but u seem to have so many ppl that care. that's great. never forget how many people are out there caring about you. thanx for being there for me and i'm here for u!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss ya tonz, mir
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