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My inside world

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

This is a waring to anyone who is trying to change us......DO NOT...DEAMON I am allowed to be here and with that comes some pretty terrible things. Kendra Dorthea...You know what I am!!!!!!!! you know how I operate. talking is a NO NO. So anyone who wants to share secrets please DO NOT.....bad things happen then.......Lady Dark Soul

Deamon......we are not going to be quiet anymore. We deserve to be heard and if you and your possee have a problem with it u can see luca or caleb or J.R..............Jenn

Its kendra I am not happy with the choking game info...that sux that means that life can not happen. I am so addicticted to the High. N is right like she is all the time.

OMG what is going on internal communication on the blog ...this is a first and hopefully a last........................ Charlotte

I am so mad I need to tell someone about it cept I am never allowed in therapy . I want to sh really bad. The MRI yesterday I was cursing the tech. He was so annoying. I guess I need not tell u all the specifics but flashbacks were really bad....Raven

Gatekeepers4@ 2:31 PM  


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