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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

today has been a hard day...had art t yesterday and we just talked about what it means to be host....

Host_ For most multiples, this is the personality which most often is present and is in control of the body. This is the person who deals with daily functioning, and the system within, as a whole. Some multiples may have more several personalities that serve as their hosts.

we keep telling them there is more than one the thing they are most concerned with is dealing with the system within. I need to step up to the plate and start dealing with what goes on inside. it is really hard because things are so chaotic inside. I have a great team of therapist and a lot of great friends and a hubby who is awesome....so y do I feel so horrid.

Gatekeepers4@ 3:21 PM  


  • At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    jen, you're doing a great job, keep up the good work. i'm really sorry that you're feeling so bad, but who knows, it may be a sign that things are getting better. and we both know things are for sure better in at least one aspect (SI). just b/c u have a gr8 team doesn't mean you'll feel gr8 - I can attest to that. you're the one who holds all the memories and feelings, not them. you're the one who really has to live with it all, BUT you're doing an UNBELIEVABLE job!!!!!!!!


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