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no idea

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I can not make any decisions .............. I am such a loser. i can't take care of the insiders. S will not come out of the box she screams all the time. I feel so bad. i need to help her but I do not know how to. N and M have been really nice. unfortunatly I am not feeling good. I feel like I let everyone down and that i am gonna just leave ...Goodbye..I am sorry I am so sorry..I do not know what to do anymore. I hope I don't hurt to many people because the people in my life are so important to me......especially kids hubby friends (mir, jess,Amy nicole) I love ya all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please forgive me for walking away.....charlotte/jen/hailey/
Gatekeepers4@ 6:23 PM  


  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger Mir said…

    Jen don't give up now!!! You were doing a great job. Things are getting tough but that means they'll be better soon. When you get through the hard times, you'll feel much better. We're cheering you on!!!!!!!!!

  • At 1:32 PM, Blogger Gatekeepers4 said…

    thanks mir...I do appreciate you alot. I thank GOD you are my friend everyday


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