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update rants and raves

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

ok well I have not blogged in a few days...I really want to say to dawn I really appreciate your comments. I hope maybe we can just blog back and forth about our lives. But you will let me know when u are ready.................

Hey Mir I miss ya so much. But I love that you post comments I love to read them and I can tell you how much I miss you.....You have been so helpful since I have been home. I can't imagine my life without you....

ok so I started reading these books that my 12 year old daughter has to read for school. They are great books but a little controversial. I am now in the middle of the second book and hope to be done it by tomorrow.

Therapy assignment I can't do it anymore...it throws me in to flashback.. I have to do it or there could be some terrible consequences. Leah Raven Zoe Elie and Ella along with Charlotte are to work on this together but it is hard....so off to flashback land...I want to feel better my stomach hurts a lot.
Gatekeepers4@ 5:57 PM  


  • At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey, u didn't call me back!!! i guess that means I havta call u. keep trying to work on ur therapy assignment, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end!!! So, u wanna be proud of me or what, so far 9 complete days free of coricidin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i scratched and kinda cut 1 day with a safety pin, though, and i had 2 days where i skipped some meds.
    otherwise, i've been going to my appts, but after talking to my therapist I realized no one knows how to deal with me for the long term. come january, they're going to be throwing me at some program or other. i wanted to be working by then so I could be independent. i guess its not going to happen

  • At 12:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    BTW thanx so much for all ur help. i can't imagine going thru all this without you. its so good to know someone understands.........
    what books are u reading??
    why does ur stomach hurt?
    how is ur cold doing???

    forget this, i have so many questions, i think i'm gonna just call u..............

  • At 4:55 PM, Blogger Gatekeepers4 said…

    I am so proud of u mir i can't believe it's been nine days....you are doing so well. i hope to be doing okay. we just went to the movies and It was fun I felt actually like A mom... so be it...I guess i am a mom...hehehehehehe..I am gonna go call ya hope your ok..and no I have not done that therapy assignment...
    love ya jen


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