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Friday, July 13, 2007

Body feels like its been run over by a truck.. Body memories suck!!!!
Body memory is the belief that the body itself is capable of storing memories, as opposed to only the brain. This is used to explain having memories for events where the brain was not in a position to store memories and is sometimes a catalyst for repressed memories recovery. These memories are often characterised with phantom pain in a part or parts of the body — the body appearing to remember the past trauma.
so here I am trying to take care of the kids and feeling like shit....It is probably from therapy today. However we did not talk about much maybe I'll paint later to disperse some of this pain.. Words are not working right now

Gatekeepers4@ 3:28 PM  


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Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!