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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What we have theses days is a evil lurking in me....I m so tired of protecting all I need help and the help I need is gonna come from the outside. T's and Eric especially cause he has been so supportive since I got home...I love him so much I can't imagine life with out him.. I am so tired and have to go to work. It's only one shift. I feel a little better D wrote to me I hope we can continue to communicate. Well off to work MIR call me I know u are busy but I miss u much...all of Jen's parts
Gatekeepers4@ 2:13 PM  


  • At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tried calling u but there was no answer. did u get my pic? we went boating today and had to get rescued 2x cuz r boat had issues. the 2nd time they came on a jet ski to get us and i got to go back on it. it was a blast. tomorrow we go 1/2way home and sleep at the sheraton. by friday i'll be back at home sweet home for another week of appts. but then i'll have tonz of time to talk to u!!!
    miss u tonzzzzzzzzzzz


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