Well we made it thru another Halloween with a lot of support from everyone especially my loving husband E. He has been so great thru all this. And trying to understand what the fuck is going on when I don't even understand. This is the first Halloween we made it thru without sh. It is amazing to me but people can change and insiders can stand up to things they never thought they could. I do however have lots o flashbacks and body memories. They suck. But in reality we know that it is over it is 2006. Life is ok !!!!!!! My yoga class on Wednesdays has been so helpful and relaxing. I have made so many new friends . People who have problems but not the kind I have but people I can sympathize with.I am applying for a job at the Y just a few hours a few days a week. I am excited..but tired so I am a little scared. but it will be good for me to go out.This is the first day in a while I can breath except for a few minor problems I am ok. Drop it is working . still hurts but life goes on...and I am a better person for it. scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 8:03 AM
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Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!
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