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Monday, November 27, 2006

Getting kids ready for school oh how I am ready to get back on this regular schedule.
Inside is having a really hard time and well we figured out why. But to disclose the details on the net would be torturous for all who read. So I go on feeling like hell realizng life never really was like I thought it was. How could that be?...It's like I lived in an alternive universe. I guess my head would count as an alternive reality. Living in ones head is safe for a while till the day you step out and then the danger begins. The reality is not the truth and the truth is horrid and the horridness is a nightmare....one you start living the day you step out. It somedays is so horrible you think you can't take one more breath. But somehow deep down you find that breath and another and another to get thru the day. Today feels like that day. I take my breath and move along........................
Gatekeepers4@ 7:52 AM  


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Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!