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Thursday, November 17, 2005

To tell the truth or not to? when we tell the truth we gwt in trouble and they dont believe us anyway. So I guess I continue to do what we r doing. Trying our damndest to stay safe. when not everyone inside want to be safe. I can lie and say of yeah we all want to be safe....well that be bullshit. Or we can say the ones that are unsafe r hiding but that be a lie to. So I just go round feeling like shit. I wish somehow we would get a magic pill. But no the more we do therapy the more parts reveal themselves and their part of the story ( which in my opinion sux)I understand they wanna tell and talk but I as a person can not handle it all. And the T's expect me too. You survived it once you can again. Well some of us don't want to survive it relive it tell it hear it Now. It sux!!!!!!!!!!
I 'm hanging by a thin string and at any moment it could snap so I need to be very careful how I deal with things.. CRYing all the time is not a good thing...Being totally depressed all the time sux.. I want some downtime I want to be happy that my daughtetr made the honor roll and got almost all A's but in my heart right now it hurts to much to even think about that I love her dearly but I am too depressed to even think about that. Life is so overwheliming right now...Charlotte
Gatekeepers4@ 11:46 AM  


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