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I M Back From Hurricane Ravished Mexico

Monday, November 07, 2005

Have not posted forever was in a hurricane in Mexico...remind me not to go out of the US during hurricane season. Spent from Thursday thru Sunday in ashelter at the Hotel we were staying at. Damn it was scary. Oh yeah we were supposed to leave on Saturday but could not get out until the following Wednesday and then on a cargo plane.....Ive been reduced to cargo...LOL I would have left on any thing to get the hell off the island. I missed the kids so bad.. And my friends too. And maybe even my T's.... They were awesome to......

Complicated relationships are always falling into my lap...I love my pumpkinhead...but it's complicated. She's so cute tho and the sweetest person ever and I don't want to hurt her. God knows we both have been hurt like forever...So we are both very cautious about hurting each other. Thats so refreashing tho.

My oldest daughter went away today to camp and I am a mess I dont want her to be away. She is getting so old. I miss her already. I know me being a mess is my own stuff she is so responsible and smart that I don't have to worry as much as I do and she is in 6th grade so she has to do this for school. Ok I need to take a breath so I don't panic!!!!!!!!!

Gatekeepers4@ 11:15 AM  


  • At 11:14 PM, Blogger ShatteredInSilence said…

    Complicated and confusing to say the least. I am so weird...I keep thinking about you...stuff. Hehehe...cute. It's all complicated and the relationships such as these fall in my lap often as well. Hmmmm...I miss you pumpkinhead!!!

  • At 12:48 PM, Blogger Gatekeepers4 said…

    i cant stop thinking of you either pumpkinhead......hmmmmmmm


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