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whassssup YO? hahahahahahah

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Got a comment about my music...can someone tell what the fuck is wrong with my music....ok now that I vented I will tell you about the day 5 kids to the doctors for a five year old check up...Damn that was fun...kinda like pulling teeth but worse. now the kids seem to be running wild playing horsey. yeeee haaaawwwwwww!!!!Yesterday we played hide-n-seek I hide but they found me. It was really funny I hid behind the door in the laundry room they could not find me...hahahahahahahaahha.......but I had to come out before they all totally freaked out.we played like five rounds and then I stopped I was tired of finding my 4 year old under the table EVERYTIME.....poor kid thought it was a great hiding spot...ok off to make lunch and vacuum the house before the fakeful therapy session at 3:30 more on that later...If I make it back from the abyss...........................Char!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Gatekeepers4@ 11:28 AM  


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Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!