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to trust or not to trust

Sunday, August 29, 2004

How many of you trust others? not me I trust no one...because they let you down..... we have learned it is better to rely on yourself. Life would be so much easier if others were not involved. To trust someone takes me to a place I would rather not be. It takes me to a place of valnurability. A place that I would rather not be. If you are vulnerable then there is a risk of getting hurt... I've been there done that.....Hurting is a main part of life I guess. That sux!!!!!! I wish for so many of us trusting would be easier. I thought it might get easier over time but it has not. the likely hood of me ever trusting anyone is slim to none.... The one person I really started to trust has totally let us down..I understabd why she had to do what she had to do but It still makes it hard to trust... I wish there was a way to change the way I feel but i can not...So again I am alone dealing with things that no one should have to deal with alone.!!!!!!! One day i hope that will change and I will be able to trust someone enough with out feeling like I am a burden.

Gatekeepers4@ 4:27 PM  


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