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Therapy therapy therapy

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Well therapy was fine yesterday..yeah right..it sucked...too much to think about..not sure why I even bother except I do want to feel better. There is a strong urge to leave though. There are many parts that don't want to be in therapy. Which causes lots of problems for me. Sometimes I feel like I live in the twighlight zone... trying to get the people who live inside my head to calm down and cooperate but that is not happening...See don't I sound like a person with a few screws loose. But it is crazy making..life in general is a crazy. But unfortuanatly it is real, my reality. So how to get everyone cooperating. I guess if I could figure this out I would not need therapy. So we are back to the original ? to stay in therapy? hmmmmmmmmmm I guess only time will tell. I have great therapist's but I am the problem like always. I can not figure out what to do....FAILURE....The thing they don't understand is that I use the skills all the time..they just don't see it because there is a lot of craziness going on too.

So off to figure out this dilema how am I going to get everyone to cooperate.reality is I want to be in therapy but there is a lot of resistence..........guess thats y I have been labeled treatment resistent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAILURE AGAIN.....we will find a way we always do.I need to find out. My goal for this week is to come up with a plan of action.......

Gatekeepers4@ 8:22 AM  


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