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Saturday, August 28, 2004

looking up the word nonlinear came up with startling results...ok I am listening

These are things I found:

chaotic behaviour Britannica Concise
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Behaviour in a complex system that appears irregular or unpredictable but is actually determinate.

mathematical programming Britannica Concise
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Application of mathematical and computer programming techniques to the construction of deterministic models, principally for business and economics.
For models that only require linear algebraic equations, the techniques are called linear programming; for models that require more complex equations, it is called nonlinear programming. In either case, models frequently involve hundreds or thousands of equations. The discipline emerged during World War II to solve large-scale military logistics problems. Mathematical programming is also used in planning civilian production and transportation schedules and in calculating economic growth.

Not in a straight line.
Mathematics a. Occurring as a result of an operation that is not linear. b. Containing a variable with an exponent other than one. Used of an equation.
a. Of or relating to a system of equations whose effects are not proportional to their causes. Such a set of equations can be chaotic. b. Of or relating to a device whose behavior is described by a set of nonlinear equations and whose output is not proportional to its input. c. Of or relating to the output of such a device.

Gatekeepers4@ 1:41 PM  


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