A fun place to be! Where there are many, some big some small but all with distinct personalities!


morning morning morning morningsssssss

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Head pounding......sitting here in my pj's just got breakfast for the kids...things r swirling in my head. Getting ready to clean the kids rooms. What a job thats going to be. Oh well Hopefully we will be able to go to the pool today. Grocery shopping again, I feel like I spend my life at the grocery store. Anything to keep myself busy. Losing time lots of time. Not sure where it goes.
It seems to just dissapear..POOF............gone. Yes we know time stands still we take over. Indigo, Clarissa or any of the rest of us. Stella takes over when needed.....of course which is during the day. swirling lights flashing...one day we will write a book.

Gatekeepers4@ 8:38 AM  


  • At 9:19 AM, Blogger Rocktaxi said…

    Head PONDING? You mean pounding??? Maybe you've spent too much time at that pool and you got too much water on the brain? That's what your problem is...

  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger Gatekeepers4 said…

    you are a smart ass aren't you..ok so it was early and I can't spell...............maybe my brain is water logged...maybe that is my reason for insanity


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About Us: There are lots of us It gets very crazy in our castle ...There is never a dull moment!

Intresting Things: We like to buy Shoes and purses but hubby doesn't like it ..heheheh

Mood: changes moment to moment

Favourite Colour : Purple...I like yellow..no i like blue..no wait pink..NO wait BLACK

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