PRINCIPALS OF SOMATIC TRAUMA BY BABETTE ROTHCHILD The foundation principles of Somatic Trauma Therapy are: *First and foremost: Safety for the client within and outside the therapy. Safety what safety *Good contact between therapist and client is prerequisite to addressing traumatic memories or applying any techniques - even if that takes months or years. Not even going there to make a comment about this one *Client and therapist must be confident in applying the "brake" before they use the accelerator. *Identify and build on the client's internal and external resources. APPLY THE FUCKIN BRAKES NOW *Regard defenses as resources: Never "get rid" of coping strategies/defenses; instead, create more choices. I HAVE NO CHOICES *View the trauma system as a "pressure cooker." Always work to reduce, never to increase, the pressure. I M READY TO BLOW *The therapy must be adapted to the client, rather than the client having to adapt to the therapy. This requires that the therapist be familiar with several theory and treatment models. WHATEVER *A broad knowledge of theory - both psychology and physiology of trauma and PTSD - reduces errors and allows the therapist to create techniques tailored to a particular client's needs. OK THEY BOTH HAVE THIS!!!! THEY WIN ONE *Never expect one intervention to have the same result with two people. The client must ALWAYS be regarded with his/her individual differences, never judged for non-compliance or an intervention "not working." HELLO *The therapist must be prepared, at times or even for a whole course of therapy, to lay aside any and all techniques and just "be" together with the client. OH PLEAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 3:52 PM
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