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Butterfly effect

Friday, August 27, 2004

The "Butterfly Effect", or more technically the "sensitive dependence on initial conditions", is the essence of chaos.
This brings to mind my life chaos.....always chaos.

nonlinear systems are central to chaos theory and often exhibit fantastically complex and
chaotic behavior.

The Lorenz attractor is an example of a strange attractor. Strange attractors are unique from other phase space attractors in that one does not know exactly where on the attractor the system will be. Two points on the attractor that are near each other at one time will be arbitrarily far apart at later times. The only restriction is that the state of system remain on the attractor. Strange attractors are also unique in that they never close on themselves - the motion of the system never repeats (non-periodic). The motion we are describing on these strange attractors is what we mean by chaotic behavior.

The Butterfly Effect" has become synonymous with chaos theory. Chaos theory postulates that small changes at the micro level can lead to much more significant consequences at the macro level.

Psychology -- Thought patterns and consciousness altered by small changes in brain chemistry can produce extraordinary human behavior. Seemingly trivial impulses inside the cerebellum may inspire the creation of great works of art by some individuals -- and terrible acts of crime by others. Mental delusion motivated one man to paint several masterpieces (Van Gogh) and another to commit murder (Son of Sam). In fact, the human brain may be the most volatile laboratory of chaos theory set in constant motion. (Poker paper)

Not sure why I posted this info but it is begining to make sense. I am not sure or why but it is... I find it very intresting that a butterfly on an island can change the weather, just by flapping its wings. So in the case of DID a small change in an alters behavior can cause chaos inside? This is the question I am postulating? Especially is the who system was designed to be non- linear so that chaos could be spread easily all the time. Set in constant motion all the time can keep the person suffering with DID in constant chaos ....More later when It makes more sense

Gatekeepers4@ 2:21 PM  


  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger Rocktaxi said…

    You always thrive on chaos though...

    hey... read your chatterbox... I'm trying to chat with you!!


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