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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Wednesday nite and I am here with the kids it is 8pm..The day is almost over..It has been a total blur..baby ended up in ER last night it turns out she has a severe milk allergy. I feel so bad for her. They stuck her with a needle and it took 4 of us to hold her down poor thing was screaming.. I had tears steaming down my face.. I don't do well when my kids are sick.. I hurts me too. I am not a good mom when it comes to them being in the hospital... I don't know if it is becuz my mom was never there or if it was because I can't stand for them to be in pain.. I know it is for their own good. I am sure it is a little of both. anxiety is so bad right now..the kids are a bit loud and I just want them to be quiet.... Oh well kids will be kids.. The noise goes a long with them.. Therapy was today and that is a blur too...Things are quiet too...a bit too quiet..I am getting a sense the summer solstice has something to do with it..Oh well we will see..That is when my hubby is going away....Some of the kids are staying at my mom's house..so that should be good....I feel like there is a screen up and I am not able to see behind it right now....."on the surface what you see if not always what you get"
Gatekeepers4@ 7:58 PM  


  • At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You make it sound like I"m going away for a month or something... how 'bout a little disclaimer that I'm going away for 23 hours... that would be better...

  • At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok hes going away for 23 hours


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