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I survived

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I survived my Hubby being away for all of 24 hours actually It was a little longer than that since his flight was delayed.....It really was not so bad..I had the kids at the pool for hours and had dinner at my moms' going to the pool..I did not sleep well. Because someone called and hung up the phone on me and it was an unknown caller but I found out later it was someone I knew who thought I had hung up on them ..Lmao..Misunderstandings..so I stayed up pretty late that nite worring someone was checking to see if I was here so they could break into my house...Talk about a little paranoid..oh well now I have to survive my therapist being away for three weeks that should be fun..well I am a little crazy so it maybe a bit difficult. Some are worried about the shit hitting the fan and her not being here but we did survive all these years with out her...FREEDOM...FREEDOM...FREEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Gatekeepers4@ 5:53 PM  


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Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!