How it feels to have DID
Monday, June 07, 2004
Imagine hiding your skin under clothes and makeup so no one knows. Fearing that if someone sees your white skin that they will stop being your friend. They will fire you, leave you, or take away your children and call you crazy.
Imagine taking costly, painful treatments in hopes of changing your skin. Imagine the fear that people will find out why you are seeing a doctor. Imagine your anger that you have to struggle so hard to appear like everyone else. That you did nothing wrong, yet you live this life of fear and hiding.
Imagine being free enough to show your skin. To tell the world "This is who I am!"
Imagine a world educated enough to accept you, and your white skin.
You've just experienced some of what it feels like to live every day as a Multiple, pretending to be "normal." Hiding the signs of changing personalities. Feeling the shame that we can't tell people why we do certain things, because we'd have to tell them the truth. And the truth is Imagine hiding your skin under clothes and makeup so no one knows. Fearing that if someone sees your white skin that they will stop being your friend. They will fire you, leave you, or take away your children and call you crazy.
Imagine being free enough to show your skin. To tell the world "This is who I am!"
Imagine a world educated enough to accept you, and your white skin.
We're still waiting for the freedom. We're still hoping for the accepting, educated world to realize that Multiplicity happens to all kinds of people. We're still praying that child abuse will stop. We're still looking for signs that we're ok just the way we are.
scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 12:54 PM
A fun place to be! Where there are many, some big some small but all with distinct personalities!
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