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The Fez...By ZARA

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Found this info and thought it was very informative.......very anxiety provocing too trying to piece all this together but am not having any luck..I can picture this in my head...a lot of resistance right now as i sit and type the battle grows fiercer the fight grows darker the war is waged and the price for this info is gonna be..........

All Shriners receive, as one of their most prized possessions a red "fez" felt headdress, which they wear to their meetings and events as a badge of honor, ignorant of its' historical origin. The traditional red "fez" originated in the city of Fez, a city in Northern Morocco many centuries ago, when a Muslim army slaughtered the entire Christian population of Fez. The blood from hundreds of slaughtered Christians ran in the streets, and victorious muslims dipped their headdresses in the blood as a symbol of victory. For "Christian" Mason Shriners to wear these red Fez hats is an afront to God and to the memory of those martyred Christians.

Each of the above pagan Masonic oaths, except the shriners, which is sworn to Allah, the God of the Qu'ran, and of Muslims, conclude with the words, 'So help me God.' For a Christian to call upon God as a witness to these evil barbaric oaths, as he is voluntarily binding himself to a spirit of fear by agreeing to be murdered by his lodge brothers, or to mutilate and murder any Masonic brother who reveals Masonic secrets, is an incredibly sad and spiritually blind deed, and an abomination to God

Gatekeepers4@ 2:25 PM  


  • At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do u know who has a fez? I do and I can not tell u or it will be my neck on the line hehehehehehehehehe.but u are getting really close to some valuable info. You had better be very very very careful..........Song


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