ok up again...WTF.....baby wakes up shes back to sleep but I cant go back to sleep. My mind is racing from earlier. I guess therapy always does that. But this time its more than that. Therapy was not to bad (whatI remember) that part still sux. I still forget a lot. Here is the deal my grandfather will be 90 in September. But we r having a party for him in August.........but it is turning out to be a fuckin battle noone wants to be with each other sibiling wise.....then they r gonna have a dinner just for the children.. NO GRANDCHILDREN which is fine by me so I get volunteered to have a barbaque for all grandchildren n greatgrandchildren.......which is fine but my uncle wont come if his step daughter cant go to the dinner (what is he fuckin her too) oops did I say that.......Well Fuck that what about the rest of us...not to mention his real kids he doesn't give a crap about....... can we just say Dysfunction scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 2:03 AM
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