well its bed time again..time to try to go to sleep anyone help with sleep?I have such a hard time sleeping.Cant sleep tonight afraid of the dark I guess..but who knows maybe Ill sleep with the light on.I I leave a light on hoping it wont happen but it does so I curl up in a ball and try to sleep but it never comes trying to forget but my mind keeps remembering until she comes..... she takes the pain the memories I fall asleep and the sun comes up I dont remmember...... Thank You for taking my pain.. scribbled Gatekeepers4@ 10:48 PM
I leave a light on hoping it wont happen but it does so I curl up in a ball and try to sleep but it never comes trying to forget but my mind keeps remembering until she comes..... she takes the pain the memories I fall asleep and the sun comes up I dont remmember...... Thank You for taking my pain..
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