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new shrink

Monday, August 22, 2005

Finally found a new shrink...he is great..he actually knows what he is talking about...Not one of those guys that sees u for 15 minutes and thinks they can get a good idea what the hell is wrong with you. We have had to Bullshit em a little bit because he's new but he see's right through that just like DR. L. Man that man could smell bull a mile away just like our therapsit who could tell over the phone. I do't get it. Oh well it is finally a relief to know that someone knows what they are diung when it comes to meds. Haily
Gatekeepers4@ 10:38 AM   0 comments


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Intresting Things: We like to buy Shoes and purses but hubby doesn't like it ..heheheh

Mood: changes moment to moment

Favourite Colour : Purple...I like yellow..no i like blue..no wait pink..NO wait BLACK

Perhaps the best way to prevent child sexual abuse is to have open communication with your children STOP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE!!!